Katrina’s Black LLWC

 Posted by on February 25, 2025
Feb 252025

The beautiful Katrina is back in an all black LLWC with black stockinette with some silver signatures on it, plus a bright yellow heel. In this clip, we’re shooting candid style with Katrina just walking around and speaking candidly about what she thinks. Right off the bat, she finds the cast heavy and walking on it harder than using crutches so I get some crutches for her. We’re both hungry so we’re going around the city looking for a place to eat. Katrina finds crutching with her big straight cast tiring so she takes advantage of every opportunity to prop her leg up or sit down. While she takes a break and wiggles her toes, she tries to brainstorm ideas for future shoots. Back at the park, she talks about how she feels about crutching vs walking on her LLWC. Crutching seems exhausting and hard on her wrists but she still prefers it. She tries walking a few times but it only lasts for a minute or two and she’s back to crutching. She crutches to different locations at the park for picture posing and is pretty worn out by the end of it but she stays fun the whole time.

Price: $20 | 46 Min | 1080P

Or Get it in 4K UHD for $24. Larger file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Maru’s Public Yellow SS

 Posted by on February 17, 2025
Feb 172025

One of the great things about Maru out in public is that she doesn’t shy away from interactions with people. And I think she has fun making up stories about how she got her cast. I didn’t tell her what to say, she just ad-libs. So we put on the yellow SS and stopped by the bulk store where she is a member, but it seemed like basically the same old stuff and it was boring so we went to the mall. As soon as we got inside she headed to the shoe store where she had employees trying to help her find the right shoes and asking her questions about how she ended up in her cast. After a while of that, we walked out where she was accosted by a hallway sales woman who polished her nails. We stopped by a novelty store where she just walked around and looked at things. Next, we went around the arcade where Maru interacted with some games to see how well she could do with one arm. Finally, for the last big chunk of the video, we stopped by the burrito restaurant and Maru eats a very large burrito using only one hand for most of it. Finally towards the end, I got her a fork so she could scoop up the remaining filling.

Price: $25 | 50 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($29). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Maru’s New & Old Pointed Black Public SLC

 Posted by on February 16, 2025
Feb 162025

Sometimes I like to rush home from a shoot and try to get it posted the same day and this is one of those times. This is a sponsored shoot with Maru starting off in a fresh, clean, pointed, black SLC crutching around a department store. She’s looking for anything to make her life easier in her new cast but more than anything she just wanted to get out of the house. After that we got a coffee and I snuck a few toe wiggling shots in the busy coffee shop. “Many weeks later” she’s wearing the same boot and skirt but a different shirt and her cast is pretty beat up. The edges of the fiber have chipped away from standing and walking on it. We’re accompanying Maru again while she shops for a shoe with a big heel that can balance out with her pointed, casted foot. No luck there, so we head to the mall where she crutches more and takes a break in a massage chair before finishing the lap. After all that crutching, Maru’s hungry so we stop at a buffet where she walks on her cast with one crutch to load up her plate and I get some nice toe shots while we eat.

Price: $20 | 72 Min | 1080P

Or Get it in 4K UHD for $24. Larger file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Feb 012025

It’s been a while since I posted part one. I actually forgot that I had this until just the other day. After Phaedra crutched around the park, she crutched over to a busy area in the city with a market. She loves interacting with people and starts up a chat with almost every one she passes by. She goes into the market and does a lap, stopping to talk to vendors and customers about food. When she gets to the donut shop, she asks the guy to guess from three options how she broke her leg, which turns out to be pretty funny. After that, she heads outside where there’s lots of people sitting at tables. She sits down at a table across from a guy who doesn’t say anything but Phaedra props her leg up talks about what it’s been like out crutching so far. After that, she gets up and crutches over to someone a bit more social and strikes up a conversation. She tells him that I’m her crutch coach and she’s out trying to get better on crutches. She stands there and talks about her cast with him for several minutes. After that, it’s time to head back to the park but not before stopping at another table to make some people laugh with a couple of cast comments. Back at the park, Phaedra does some more crutching and hops up some stairs and then I set up the camera on a tripod and ask Phaedrea to wiggle her toes and talk about her cast experience while I go and grab the cast saw and stuff.

Price: $20 | 33 Min | 1080P

Or Get it in 4K UHD for $24. Larger file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Jan 042025

This clip starts off with Lily and Henry hanging out at the coffee shop and Lily just talking about various things, including her sweaty cast and feet. She puts her legs up on Henry’s lap and takes off her socks, wiggling them and having Henry massage her. After that Lily and Henry find a swing where she can swing with her cast up on Henry’s lap. Then she wants Henry to push her so she can see how high she can go. She swings towards the camera trying to touch my lens with her toes. She crutches back to the car so they can drive to a store to get the sweatpants that she likes. After checking out, she crutches around outside asking Henry to take pictures of her at some photo ops. Then it’s time to go shopping in the mall and Lily crutches all around the mall then heads upstairs. She orders some food and sits at a booth to eat. While she eats and chats, the camera gets some great angles of her wiggling toes up on the table. She talks about a particular guy who seemed very interested in her cast. Lily then crutches down a large staircase with Henry spotting her. She’s tired and seriously considers making Henry carry her all the way out of the mall and back to the car, but Henry has a sore neck so she crutches back to the car. Henry gets her back in the car and on the drive home she’s really sore and whiney and blames Henry for making her be so active today. Back at the house, Lily has Henry hold her leg up for her and rub her toes before finally helping her up the stairs.

Price: $25 | 76 Min | 1080P

Or Get it in 4K UHD for $29. Larger file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Rosie Jo’s Public LATS, SAFS and Boot

 Posted by on December 23, 2024
Dec 232024

Rosie Jo is a brand new model and on her first shoot, she’s heading out to the mall with a couple of arm casts and a boot with her boyfriend. The first thing they do is hit the arcade so she can get a feel for what she can do in her new arm casts. She plays lots of games and has fun trying to use her arms. Next, the couple hold hands as they walk over to the entrace of the mall’s food court. They get a warm sub and an ice cream cone and Rosie Jo needs her boyfriend to feed her. She’s able to scoot her own drink and use the straw herself. They sit there for about fifteen minutes as she eats her sub and ice cream cone and then they head to the sporting goods store where they walk around holding hands and have some fun picking stuff up and trying different things. When it’s all said and done, they have a seat on the steps outside the mall where she takes off her boot and has her boyfriend rub her foot for her. Log in now for a pretty action packed clip!

Price: $20 | 42 Min | 1080P

Or Get it in 4K UHD for $24. Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Juli’s Pink Public LLWC and LAC

 Posted by on December 23, 2024
Dec 232024

This is the sequel to “Juli’s Pink SLC Shower Arm Break” from back in May. In the previous clip, Juli started off taking a bath but then stood on her covered SLC to rinse off with a shower. She slipped and broke her arm and hobbled off on one crutch. Now we find her weeks into her next set of casts, an LLWC and LAC. She’s sitting on the couch with her LLWC propped up talking to a friend about how she wants to get out of the house and how she’s been afraid to take a shower. Juli starts getting ready by brushing her hair, putting on some makeup and washing with a cloth. After that, she changes her clothes and puts a shoe and sock on which is a little harder than it used to be. Finally, she’s ready and her friend (you) has come to take her shopping. At the store, she’s looking for some more accommodating clothes to wear over her cast. She finds several things that would make life easier but her leg is starting to hurt from all the walking around. She’s starting to feel like she over-did it and is ready to head back home. When you get to the car she asks you to hold her cast up for a while, which you do. Back at home, her leg is throbbing so she painfully makes her way to the bedroom, takes off her shorts and props her leg up in bed. For the remainder of the video, we watch as Juli tries to get comfortable with her sore leg.

Price: $20 | 49 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $24. Larger file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Nov 302024

Welcome new model Phaedra! She’s a very social and talkative person with a fun personality. She seems pretty slap happy in this clip, just being “tickled” by the whole thing. The clip begins with her reacting to her new cast… the size, the weight, the feel. She sort of thinks out loud about how it feels, how she wants to bend her leg and how she’s going to get around with it. She starts her cast adventure by heading down some stairs, talking all the way. As she crutches, she comes up with an interesting story about how she broke her leg. She decides that her dog caused her to fall down some stairs and that she has a spiral fracture. Phaedra crutches around to different spots to pose for pictures as I film. At the gazebo where she crutches upstairs for the first time and poses some more while making jokes. Crutching around the pond she gets philisophical about being casted and gets a laugh at people’s reactions to her. She finds a nice spot to do some standing stretches and then heads over to a picnic bench for some seated yoga, wiggling her toes close to the camera. She’s pretty athletic, but she’s tired after her trip around the pond and needs a break. But she’s a lot of fun. Hope you enjoy!

Price: $15 | 45 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $19. Larger file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Emily’s Public Yellow LLC – Part 2

 Posted by on November 15, 2024
Nov 152024

It’s hard to believe that there’s nearly 40 more minutes to the Emily Public Yellow LLC shoot. We start with Emily, continuing to be the host of her own clip, first pondering to the audience if she will be able to play any games in her big cast and then heading inside. She tries several games to see which ones are easy to play in her cast, narrating and making funny comments as she goes along. After about fifteen minutes at the arcade, she crutches to a couch and plops down to catch her breath. She then talks about a severe itch she has inside the cast in a place she can’t reach it. Then she gets another itch down by her ankle and tries to just move her leg inside the cast and slapping it but it doesn’t work. Next, she’s crutching outside and makes her way over to a bench to do some people watching and ponders who is watching her today in her bright yellow LLC. After some modeling, Emily crutches over by a tiki bar and paints a picture of what it might be like for her to show up there in her cast at night. Back at the park where we started, she crutches to nice spot and gives her final thoughts on the day as she poses for some pictures. I think you’ll agree that Emily is one of the best public models ever.

Price: $20 | 39 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $24. Larger file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Nov 072024

Lily’s in a purple LLC propped up on a pillow and waking up from a nap with Henry. She hasn’t been out of the house to do anything since she broke her leg a couple weeks ago and tells Henry she’d like to go do something fun today. She texts their friend Joe to see if he wants to join them. Her feet are cold so she asks him to rub some lotion on them and put some tube socks over her toes. Next, they’re out on the street and Lily is crutching to a local game place to play some mini-bowling. Once inside, they take turns bowling with Lily having a conveniently placed stool near the lane, where she can get up with a crutch and hop around to bowl. She’s agile and does well for a person with an LLC. After that, she crutches around, stopping to play some other games with Henry. They play foosball, ping pong and connect four. She rests her cast on Henry’s lap for a foot rub before they leave. Next it’s time to crutch down the street to a coffee shop. She places her legs in Henry’s lap as she enjoys her coffee and she has him take her socks off. To be continued…

Price: $20 | 55 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $24. Larger file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Megan’s Orange Halloween LLC

 Posted by on October 27, 2024
Oct 272024

Welcome super cute new model Megan. She’s in an orange Halloween LLC with black stockinette with some spooky signatures on it. Megan’s having a scary time on crutches and they probably needed tweaked a bit and it’s her first ever time crutching. She talks about how much harder it is than she thought it would be as she heads to the first picture spot. Then she leans on a tree and poses for some pics. Even though it’s a bit of a struggle for her to get around, she’s got a good attitude and makes a point to say that she’s having fun. She gets better at crutching pretty quickly. The reason that she keeps stopping to pose (and the filming gets a little erratic sometimes) is that I’m filming with my left hand and taking pictures with my right on this shoot. I ask her to just talk about the cast, how it feels and whatever pops into her head as I get some closeups of her cast and toes. At the end of the video I get some nice toe wiggling footage while she gives me some final thoughts on the shoot. Don’t miss this clip chock full of beautiful footage!

Price: $15 | 33 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $19. Larger file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Kiara Goes Shopping in a Black 90° LLC

 Posted by on October 25, 2024
Oct 252024

Kiara’s out and about shopping on crutches with a black 90° LLC and she’s looking for some new stuff to go with her cast. She’s also getting ready for a vacation. Kiara pretends that her cast is real and complains about her leg hurting throughout the video, especially when she bumps into something. Although she’s good on crutches and moves around quickly, she stops to take rests at available chairs she comes across. She decides that her sandal isn’t going to cut it for crutching so she heads back to the shoe department to try on some shoes. She finds a high heel that’s easy to crutch on. Next she crutches around the store looking for a dress for her cast decorating party. Then she’s off to the craft store because she has an idea to put a coat of glittery paint on her cast at her party. After crutching all over the store, she finds what she needs. After that she’s driving a scooter at the grocery store. With great balance, she stands and hops on her left foot to grab things off the shelves. Lastly, you’re back at the park where she thanks you for going shopping with her and asks if you will hold her leg up for her.

Price: $20 | 37 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $24. Larger file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Samantha’s Camo/Orange LLC

 Posted by on October 15, 2024
Oct 152024

Today, I’ve got another new model for you. This is Emily’s friend Samantha. Emily’s wanting Samantha to push her around in a wheelchair for a shoot sometime but suggested that she should try doing her own shoot. Inspired by those popular camo hats with the orange text, I made her cast camo and orange. Samantha used to be a runner so I figured she’d be good to crutch around the neighborhood but she still found it quite exhausting. Like Emily, she’s had an SLC in real life but she walked on it with a cast shoe (she calls it a boot) so she’s not as experienced with crutching. I follow her with the camera as she crutches to spots to take pictures. When we get to the first spot, I film her toes as she explains how she got her first cast as a cross country runner. After a few more minutes of crutching, Samantha stops to prop her cast up and talk about the differences between her previous SLC and the LLC she’s wearing. Already worn out, Samantha crutches all the way down the street to get to the fountain, taking a few breaks along the way. After we get some pictures, she crutches all the way back down the street to the park where we started.

Price: $15 | 27 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $19. Larger file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Emily’s Public Yellow LLC

 Posted by on October 4, 2024
Oct 042024

Welcome new model Emily to CF. She’s one of the most outgoing people I’ve met. She was excited and eager to do a shoot like this and was up for crutching all day. We start the clip with her talking about the three casts she’s had in real life. She’s had one SLC for six weeks, one SLC for eight weeks and an arm cast for six weeks. I told her that we’re going out in public and it would be cool if she could get someone to sign her cast and she took it as a personal challenge. As soon as I started filming, it was as if she had her own show. She talks to the camera like the host of her own show, narrating her experience as she goes along. Right off the bat, she gets two guys to sign her cast. I let the video camera roll as I take some pictures of her by the river. After that she approaches some other guys who talk to her but pass on the cast signing. Almost immediately after that she gets catches some guys outside a place and gets them to sign and put phone numbers on her cast, which is a homage to something that actually happened with one of her real life SLCs. Emily is very entertaining and talks the entire time in this cool clip so don’t miss it.

Price: $20 | 38 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $24. Larger file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Katrina’s Black and Purple LLC (with captions)

 Posted by on September 23, 2024
Sep 232024

This clip has captions for Katrina because her mic was muffled much of the time, so at least you can watch it with sound muted if you want. On the bright side, Katrina is a beautiful new model who’s curious about casting and wants to shoot more. At the start of the clip, I had to run back to the car and grab my stills camera so I just left the video camera running as she wiggles her toes and looks at her phone. After that, I film her crutching to different scenes, exploring the park and trying out different poses in an LLC. Later, I have her try out a wheelchair, but it’s a friend’s wheelchair (who will be watching this) and it’s not working very well so we send it down a hill. There’s lots of crutching and close-up toe wiggling shots. I almost want a do-over of this shoot with better audio so I might do the same thing again next time. Let me know what you’d like to see Katrina do on her next shoot (probably need to be outdoor). Stay tuned for lots of great pics.

Price: $15 | 38 Min | 1080P

Or Get it in 4k for $19. Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Juli’s Laundry Day Blue DLATS

 Posted by on September 18, 2024
Sep 182024

Juli is waking up in the morning, trying to scroll on her phone in bed for a bit before she gets up. It’s awkward with her casted thumbs and long fingernails. After a brief struggle, she manages to get her shirt changed and puts her shoes on. After that, she sits at her vanity and does her makeup as best she can. Next, she’s at the laundromat and the hardest part of getting her clothes washed seems to be getting the quarters out of her pocket and into the machine. She succesfully loads her clothes and pours the detergent but drops some quarters on the floor. While she’s waiting, she walks over to a convenience store to grab some snacks and a drink. Juli wears an action camera for us to see her eat and drink from her POV. Once her clothes are done, she moves them to the dryer and she has more snacks. She folds her clothes and goes home and does some dishes. Finally, she kicks her tired feet up and tries to give them a little rub with her casted fingers.


Price: $20 | 51 min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $24. Larger file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Alisha’s Shopping LLC

 Posted by on September 12, 2024
Sep 122024

This clip is full of action. Alisha thought we had a shoot this day and we didn’t but I showed up anyway and she spontaneously went shopping in an LLC. First, Alisha crutches into a dress store where she looks for clothing and slippers. After that, she takes a break on a bench outside and props her cast up. Next, she’s at the department store with her big straight LLC propped up on the basket of a scooter, showing off her cute toes and teal tonails. Looking for something sexy to wear with her cast, she gets up often to hop around and reach for things high on shelves. She can only hop because she left her crutches up front. At one point she wrecks her scooter into a clothing rack and it’s pretty funny. After she’s finished there, she takes a break and props her cast up at the coffee shop while talking about all the attention she gets in her cast. Finally, we follow Alisha around the makeup store where she has the employees help her pick out all the right stuff for her.

Price: $15 | 42 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $19. Larger file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Aug 252024

This footage already exists on the site, but by today’s standards it’s very small and pixelated. Lately I’ve been interested in going back to some of my old miniDV footage and improving the quality. Today’s clip is a video from 2007 I came across while looking through my archives of the very beautiful Samantha in a plaster LLC out in public. First, she crutches around a book store over around the magazine section and then it’s off to the mall. She comments on how people look at her as she crutches into the mall. It’s the holiday season and Samantha is clearly enjoying herself visiting a new mall for the first time. She goes into stores and ccrutches all over the mall before having a seat in the food court with a coffee where we get some great shots of her plaster casted toes.

Price: $15 | 10 Min | 1080P

Aug 202024

We pick back up with Alisha where we left off, following her very angled LLC with her toes in perfect view from behind. Now she’s crutching into a department store looking for some new shoes and she asks us to hold her purse for her. She crutches back to the shoe department and is already getting tired. She’s sore and tires so she takes a break on a display bed for a minute and wiggles her toes. She crutches all around the store until she finds some new shorts to wear with her cast. After that, she’s at another store driving around a scooter. She rides it around to different areas of the store and then gets up and hops on one foot to look at stuff. After shopping, she props her cast up at the coffee shop to take a break but she’s ready to get home and prop her cast up. When we get home, she’s hot and sweaty and asks you to hold her cast up for her, which you’re happy to do!

Price: $15 | 37 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $19. Larger file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Gabby’s Public Shopping LLC – Part 2

 Posted by on August 16, 2024
Aug 162024

In this clip, we continue where we left off with the beautiful Gabby driving a scooter and looking for items at a department store. She has her LLC propped up on the shopping basket as she drives around, showing off her nice red painted toes. It’s quite a sight to see her with her casted toes showing up high. At one point, she acts like she’s going to grab a bag of chips off the shelf with her toes. She talks to the camera the whole time about her thoughts. When she’s looking for clothes, she gets up out of the scooter and stands/hops on one foot. Finally, the clip ends with some crutching at the park and then she has a seat on a picnic table to take her boot and sock off and wiggle her toes.

Price: $15 | 26 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($19). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Holly’s Pink Public LLC

 Posted by on July 27, 2024
Jul 272024

Welcome the new model Holly to the site. She’s beautiful and has a great personality. In this first clip, she’s in a pink LLC out in public. She’s a lot of fun as we follow her around the stores with her periodically stopping and leaning into the camera to talk to us. First, she crutches around a home store, stopping to try out a few different seats. Next, she’s at a clothing store shopping for some new stuff to wear over her cast. She talks about her hot sweaty broken leg and stops to prop her cast up and wiggle her toes for the camera. After that, we stop at a coffee shop where she props her cast up on a foot rest and wiggles her toes as she talks about her cast. Her cast is hot, so she takes ice out of her coffee and puts it in the foot of her cast. Finally, it’s off to the grocery store, where she drives a scooter around, throwing her cast up on the basket sometimes and talking about how her leg hurts. She left her crutches at the front of the store so when she gets up, she has to hop. She said she didn’t have any acting experience, but she’s great. This clip is jammed packed with beautiful shots that you’ll want to pause it and capture some stills.

Price: $25 | 36 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($29). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Gabby’s Public Shopping LLC – Part 1

 Posted by on July 14, 2024
Jul 142024

The beautiful Gabby is back in a white LLC, shopping for party supplies and some new clothes to wear with her cast. You, the camera, are her friend and she appreciates that you’ve come shopping at the department store with her. She talks to you as she shops, staying in character, as though her cast is real. She alternates between having her cast down on the floor of the scooter and carefully picking it up and propping it up high on the basket, wiggling her long toes as she cruises down the isles. She mostly tries to shop from her chair, but sometimes she has to stand up to reach something. After finishing up at one store, she’s at another store. Stay tuned for more from this shoot.

Price: $15 | 24 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($19). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Jul 072024

This clip starts with several minutes of beautiful footage of Alisha waking up in bed with her extremely bent LLC. She’s very whiney and sad as she tries different positions to get her leg comfortable. She’s only wearing lingerie and finds some sexy positions as she moves around in bed. She tries her side and stomach before finally deciding that she’s better get up. Her leg is still in a lot of pain in the morning, so she carefully sits up and hops to get some clothes to wear. After getting dressed, she heads to the stairs and carefully scoots down them. Downstairs, she calls a friend to see if they would want to go shopping with her. Her friend shows up to take her to the store and now Alisha is crutching around in public with the camera/friend following behind with a great view of her casted toes the entire time. Her leg is bothering her and her cast is hot and sweaty so she has to sit down and take a break occasionally. There’s more to come so stay tuned.

Price: $15 | 26 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($19). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Gabby Goes Shopping in a Black LLC

 Posted by on June 5, 2024
Jun 052024

On Gabby’s first shoot, she looked great and had lavendar colored hair. She showed up to this shoot with black hair looking like a total knockout, so we did a black LLC. I wanted to see how she was in public and she was great. She drives her scooter around, getting up to crutch and hop and look at stuff. She props up her cast on the basket for much of the clip, showing off her casted toes high for all to see. She talks to the camera as if you’re her friend that’s gone shopping with her. She stands up to look at clothes and jewelry and heads over to the home section to look for some nice soft things to prop her cast on. She tries on shoes and heads over to the grocery section where she hops around the isles. At one point, I went to the restroom and when I came out I saw her hopping quite a distance to throw somethng away. I managed to catch the tail end of it on video. Enjoy this 36 minutes of great footage of the super sexy Gabby!

Price: $25 | 36 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($29). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Kiara’s Orange LLC

 Posted by on May 17, 2024
May 172024

Kiara is a new model and we did a story on our first shoot. In this clip, she’s got a newly broken leg in an orange LLC from a soccer accident and her leg is killing her. She thought she could still get out to the park and do some crutching but starts regretting it immediately, crutching up the first big hill. She’s having a bad time already and now it looks like it’s about to rain. As soon as she finds a bench to sit, it starts pouring so she has to look for shelter. She crutches in the rain to find the nearest shelter. When she finds a gazebo, she encounters her first stairs and hurts her leg going up them. She calls her friend to vent about how awful her day is and how she’s going to do this for eight weeks. She eventually decides to make a run for it back to her car because the rain has died down a little. As she’s going down the steps, she stumbles and hurts her leg because of her slippery sandal and too short crutches. In pain/rain, she starts crutching back to the car. After a painful journey with soaked cast, she carefully props it up with her crutch and calls her friend again to tell her about it.

Price: $15 | 23 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($19). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Bella’s Black DSS and Maru’s Black LAC

 Posted by on April 10, 2024
Apr 102024

Bella’s in bed with a black DSS and neck brace and Maru’s come over to visit. They were in an accident while Maru was driving but Bella is the one who took the brunt of it. Now Bella’s somewhat bitter about how easy Maru has seemed to get off. She’s miserable but Maru thinks that the best thing for Bella would be to get out of the house for a little bit. It takes some convincing but Bella eventually concedes and Maru helps her sit up, gets her something to drink and puts Bella’s shoes on her. Next they’re in an Uber and talking about what to do. The driver is curious about the casts, so they explain what happened (which they make pretty comical). They stop by the doctor’s office to see if Bella can take her neck brace off and return with it off. Next, they’re at the bulk grocery store looking for some food to take back to Bella’s. They drop character pretty quickly and start acting silly as they shop. They get a little crazy in the stuffed animal aisle and then have a seat in the cafe so Maru can feed Bella a pretzel.

Price: $25 | 33 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($29). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Roxy’s Purple Public LLC

 Posted by on March 21, 2024
Mar 212024

Roxy’s had her purple LLC for a while now and it won’t be long before it comes off. It’s got lots of dirty signatures from being out in public. Roxy and James are sitting on the couch reminiscing about the good times they’ve had in the cast so far and all the great sex they’ve had. They talk about all the attention she’s got at the sex club and how much she loves it. James implies that some have even came on her casted toes. Roxy wants to enjoy every day they have left with the cast before it comes off so they decide to leave the house. First, she crutches around a department store, looking for some cute clothes she could wear to the club. James is getting more and more excited by seeing Roxy out in her purple LLC. Next, they’re at another store and Roxy drives a scooter with her cast propped up high with her bare toes on display for everyone to see. James flirts with her increasingly and cops a feel as she gets up to crutch around some isles. Finally, they’re at a bargain store and James can’t take it anymore and tries to persuade Roxy into ducking into the break room for a quickie. She’s reluctant though. To be continued…

Price: $20 | 41 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($24). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Betty’s LLC

 Posted by on January 13, 2024
Jan 132024

Last time we saw Betty, she had just hurt her leg again while kinda showing off how she can work out in her SLC. Now, she’s emerging from the hospital in a white LLC. She gets in the car and can’t believe that she’s got to be in an even bigger cast for another couple of months. The next day, Betty wakes up in bed sore. She tries to find a comfortable position for several minutes as we take in some great views of her casted toes and body. Eventually she just gives up and gets up to get dressed and make the bed. She hops out of the room, but not before banging her cast and causing herself some pain. She hurts her leg again while scooting her way down the steps. Next, you come over for a visit and Betty is determined to not spend another two months cooped up in the house. She asks you to take her shopping for some last minute gifts. Betty doesn’t last long at the store. Almost immediately her leg starts hurting and she runs out of steam. Now she wants to go home. The bumpy ride hurts her leg, so she asks if she can put it in your lap and you agree. She asks you to pull over and hold her cast for her. You elevate her cast for her and it makes her feel better and you don’t mind because you’ve got her casted toes right in your face. Back at her place, you watch her propped up toes as she falls asleep.

Price: $20 | 42 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($24). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Angel’s Christmas Shopping LLC

 Posted by on January 5, 2024
Jan 052024

Angel’s had her cast for weeks but it’s finally time for her to get out of the house and do some Christmas shopping. She calls an Uber, gets in and briefly explains how she got her cast. She asks if she can put her cast up on the seat. But next, the driver makes an unexpected stop. It turns out that Angel has accidentally selected the ride share option so the driver has to pick up another person. A guy gets in and they start talking about Angel broke her leg on Thanksgiving when her crazy cousin threw a frozen turkey at her. Angel suspects this guy is very interested in her cast so she talks about it continuously and even asks if she can move her cast to his lap. She asks him to remove her sock, revealing her cute red toenails, matching her festive outfit. They finally arrive at the mall and Angel invites him to go shopping with her. They head inside and have a seat on the fountain where they seem to be hitting it off. Angel throws her cast over his leg and asks him to take off her sock again. As they talk, he rubs her toes. After that, she crutches all around the mall looking for presents, but she feels tired and sore after a while and is ready to leave. On the way home, she asks her new friend to hold her leg up for her and invites him back to her place to sign her cast. She asks him if he’s into casts as he rubs her toes.

Price: $30 | 53 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($19). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Maru’s Housecleaning 90° LLC – Part 2

 Posted by on January 2, 2024
Jan 022024

The last time we saw Maru she had just finished up a house cleaning gig with you as her company. When she was finished, she asked if you would want to go shopping with her. Now, she’s looking for some new clothes and a bigger sock to put over her toes. An experienced crutcher, Maru crutches through the store with ease. She’s got a small girly sock over her toes that we can see from behind due to her bent knee. As she collects things to try on, she just hangs them from her crutches. In the shoe department, she first takes off her sock (revealing a beautiful pedicure) and looks for a slipper she can put over her casted toes. She then looks for a shoe for her good foot and eventually crutches out of the store with no sock over her toes. Next, she’s at a sandwich shop ordering some food. She crutches over to get a drink and then takes her food and has a seat. Maru likes to chat about plants so I thought that she might like to crutch around the garden center at the local hardware store and she really did enjoy that. She had a lot of fun being silly, crutching around all the plants and explaining what they are.

Price: $15 | 42 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($19). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Irene’s Candy Cane LLC

 Posted by on December 26, 2023
Dec 262023

Irene had been in an SHS for a while and eventually started walking on it. So instead of removing it, they left her with the LLC portion to wear for a while longer. You’re Irene’s friend coming over to visit and she explains this to you and that she needs to get out of the house and go shopping. You take her to the department store where she gets a scooter and props her cast up on the basket. She giggles at the idea that everyone is going to see her toes. She drives around the store, stopping to get up and hop around isles. In the candy isle, she hops around grabbing up bags of candy and throwing them in the cart. She tries out a chair with her leg propped up and hops around a couple more areas before her scooter runs out of battery. Her leg was starting to bother her anyway so she crutches out of the store. Back at her place, she is worn out so she props her cast up on pillows on your lap and drifts to sleep as you take a look at her casted toes.

Price: $20 | 29 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($19). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Kim’s Red SHS (AI Upscale to 1080P)

 Posted by on December 8, 2023
Dec 082023

Here’s another classic clip from 20 years ago of the fun and sexy Kim on her second shoot (I think). This is what we were posting on CF around Hallween in 2003. It was late and the clip starts off in the bedroom where Kim is in bed wiggling her toes after just having her cast finished. We tease her a little bit for not being able to put on her sock and then we get it on for her. Kim gets up out of bed and walks down the stairs. Next we see her awkwardly get out of the car and start walking down the sidewalk with a funny and exaggerated gimp as passers yell from their cars. She finds some stairs in front of a building to walk up and down. Next, she slides herself back into the car and we head back to my place where she tries to get comfortable on the couch and pose for pictures. We get some toe wiggling shots and then she gets on the floor. After that, Kim’s at the grocery store in a scooter driving around and shopping for snacks. I suggest that she walk around a little and so she gets up and walks around in her big house slipper. The clip ends with her crutching around a little in the parking lot and then getting her cast removed. It’s only sixteen minutes but so much happens, it seems longer.

Price: $20 | 16 Min | 1080P

Alisha’s Pink Public LLC – Part 2

 Posted by on December 5, 2023
Dec 052023

Next it’s off to the craft store and Alisha is on the lookout for some new furniture for her cast. She proceeds to crutch around the store as we follow behind until she finds somewhere to sit and itch her toes. She crutches around some more until she finds a stool with wheels to sit and scoot around on. She thinks it would be nice to have that at home to give her a break from crutches. On the way out, she finds a spot to sit and prop up her cast for a nice view of her cute wiggling toes as she talks about her sore, throbbing leg. She thinks maybe it was a bad idea to go shopping so soon and wants to put her leg up on some pillows. At the next store, I find Alisha on a scooter talking to someone. I ask her if she knows him and she said no. As I say, people like to talk to her. She’s now looking for groceries and she stops and gets up on crutches to reach items. When she gets to the dog food, she gets up on one foot and puts a huge bag her her cart. She gets up from her cart and hops again to check out some pillows and then she drives over to the furniture to look for a nice ottoman to put her cast on. Before leaving the section, she finds a nice chair and foot rest and she props up her sexy casted foot and wiggles her toes as she talks. Before long, she wants to take her sweaty good foot out of the Crock and wiggle it too. Then it’s time to check out, so she heads to the self checkout and scans her items.

Price: $15 | 29 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($19). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Maru’s Housecleaning 90° LLC – Part 1

 Posted by on November 19, 2023
Nov 192023

Maru’s got a broken leg casted in a 90° LLC but she’s a gig worker and can’t afford to lose her clients so she has to keep working. She’s asked you to take her to her house cleaning gig and as you drop her off, she asks if you’d like to hang out while she does the job. You agree and watch as she gets to work. The first thing she does is have a seat and put a sock over her csated toes. The house is in serious need of cleaning. Over the course of the next half hour, Maru really hustles as she starts with dusting up high and then sweeping while on crutches and hopping and balancing on one leg while using the dust pan. After cleaning the bottom floor, she hops her way up the stairs and then stands at the top of the stairs sweeping. (I had to cut and ask her to sit down). Next, she sits as she sweeps the stairs. Finally, she wraps it up, puts her sock back on and hops back over to her crutches. She wants to keep hanging out with you so you agree to take her shopping.

Price: $15 | 37 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($19). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Alisha’s Pink Public LLC – Part 1

 Posted by on October 24, 2023
Oct 242023

Alisha’s in a big pink LLC, bent enough to see her casted toes and sole from the back, and a sexy little black dress. She’s out crutching around at the department store looking for some new shorts that are easy to pull up over her cast. Crutching’s a little harder than she expected and she takes a seat the first chance she gets. She crutches around, looking at all her options as we follow from behind. She comes to a display bed and gets up on it for a break with her nice tan toes sticking out of her leg cast. She’s the kind of person that people want to talk to so she gets comments from people she passes. In the shoe department, she takes a breather on a bench and then gets a size six shoe to try on. She crutches around the area in the new shoe looking for other shoes to try on. She works up a sweat in the shoe department and decides to just stick with her Crock and heads towards the exit… but not before running into someone she knows. Next, we’re at a coffee shop and as the camera is down by her wiggling toes, she talks about how tough it is to crutch and how sweaty and itchy her cast is. Her toes are hot so she takes her cold drink and puts it on her toes to cool them down. It’s probably some of the best public toe wiggling footage ever as she talks about her cast and how much her leg hurts.

Price: $15 | 28 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($19). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Roxy’s Zoo Outing LLC

 Posted by on October 10, 2023
Oct 102023

Roxy has a recently broken leg and her man has decided to take her to the zoo and push her around in the wheelchair. Her leg is still very sensitive and she feels every bump the wheelchair hits and starts complaining about it right off the bat. Her partner lovingly taunts her as he wheels her around and she talks about her cast and how it feels… throbbing, itchy, sweaty. She gets restless occasionally and so she gets up and crutches for a while, but her casted leg keeps feeling heavier and she has to sit back down. Roxy is in good spirits and appreciative for being out of the house but as the day wears on her leg starts to bother her more. At the food court Roxy gets some food and gets her cast propped up, while the camera gets a nice shot of her wiggling toes. She again says that she’s grateful for the trip to the zoo but her leg hurts and she’d like to go home soon. Next, she crutches towards the exit and stops at the gift shop.

Price: $20 | 42 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($24). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Maru’s Leg Break Public Blue LLC – 3 Clip Bundle

 Posted by on September 28, 2023
Sep 282023

Part One: Maru is great in public and great at crutching so that’s the obvious choice with Maru, but this time I wanted to try some acting. In this clip, we’re at a park with Maru hanging out as she tries and tests out different outdoor exercise equipment. She’s having fun trying to figure out how they all work but eventually she takes a fall. Her leg is seriously hurt and after a moment of sitting there, she decides that she will probably need to go to the hospital. You hold her arm as she hops to the picnic shelter and grasps at her leg. And that’s pretty much where the acting ends. The rest of the clip is just Maru being Maru. She’s in a long blue leg cast and we’re following Maru around a bulk store as she crutches around, makes jokes and tries out furniture. She crutches around until deciding that she might like to try a scooter so she can actually take some items to the register.
Part Two: At the end of the last clip, Maru crutched to the front of the store looking for a scooter. Now, she’s got one and can actually go shopping so she goes back down the isles to pick up some items. She drives around the store with her cast dangling out to the side and stopping to get up and hop over to things for a closer look. After a while, she decides to elevate her cast by propping it up on the basket which gives a great view of her cast and toes sticking up in the air. She gets off the scooter to try out a couch and a chair and stops to try some free samples. Maru talks and tells stories the entire time and luckily she’s wearing a mic so you can hear her perfectly with minimal background noise like my voice. This clip is available with the bundle over at Joe’s along bonus crutching footage.
Bonus Clip: Maru switched to a scooter halfway through her shopping at the first store so she could buy some stuff, but if you’d like to see more, this bundle comes with 16 minutes of additional crutching footage at a department store.

Price: $25 | 80 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($29). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Kim’s Black DSS (AI Upscale to 1080P)

 Posted by on September 21, 2023
Sep 212023

Back when this clip was originally posted 20 years ago, internet speeds were slow and hard drive space was limited. Hence the relatively poor quality by today’s standards. So unless you were one of the lucky few people who purchased the “All Kim” DVD back in the day, you’ve never seen this shoot at maximum quality (by 2003 standards). Filmed on a regular SD video camera with a tripod, it’s not the most detailed footage, but with today’s technology it can be upscaled with decent results. This was Kim’s first shoot and she was a friend of a friend. She nailed it! With her constant antics and testing her limitations, she was cracking us up the whole time. I’m sure all of you have seen this footage as it appears in it’s tiny 240P format in the archives of this site, but if you’re a Kim fan like me, you’ll be happy to view this clip in 1080P. Highlights include Kim constantly moving and dancing and clowing around, being fed pizza and getting a little inappropriate with Charles Entertainment Cheese. We had no plan on this shoot. It was all totally off the cuff. Shout out to Quantum for upscaling this footage and getting me up to speed on today’s available technology. Please check out his amazing art at: https://www.deviantart.com/quantumhmc.

Price: $20 | 24 Min | 1080P

Jessica Lynn’s Antiquing LLC – Part 2

 Posted by on August 6, 2023
Aug 062023

In the previous clip, Jessica crutched around an antique store, trying out all the furniture in her LLC. Now, in this clip our next stop was the craft store because Jessica loves crafts. At this point, she’s still full of energy and having a good time as she happily crutches around commenting on everything that catches her eye and sometimes commenting about how sexy her cast is. After that, Jessica wants to show me a huge international grocery store that she’s familiar with. She’s a bit tired when we get there but still manages to stay positive, but after a while she starts to lose steam and needs to take a break. She directs me to her favorite coffee so I can buy some. After a little more crutching, she’s too tired to go on so we leave and back at her place she gets a well deserved toe rub.

Price: $15 | 33 Min | 1080P

Angel’s Zoo Date LLC – Part 2

 Posted by on July 7, 2023
Jul 072023

Last we saw Angel, she had talked her guy friend into pushing her around in a wheelchair at the zoo. Now, she asks him to pull her pant leg up higher on the cast, which he doesn’t do to her satisfaction. She then has him pick her up and put her back in her chair, complaining that her toes are touching the ground. He pushes her around in the chair until she has him assist her with posing on another statue before having him pick her back up and place her in the wheelchair. Once they get to the polar bears, she’s back up on crutches for a while. After that, he pushes her into a nice log cabin where she gets up and poses for some pictures and also some pictures on a bench, where the camera gets some nice closeups of her casted toes. She eventually is a little too rough on her broken leg and just wants to go home. Angel comes through her front door with her sock back on and whining that her leg is more sore than before. She doesn’t feel good and has her friend prop her cast up high on his lap and take her socks off. Tired and “hangry” she has him itch her casted foot with a back scratcher and then rub her feet as she whines.

Price: $20 | 45 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($24). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Jessica Lynn’s Antiquing LLC – Part 1

 Posted by on June 23, 2023
Jun 232023

Jessica Lynn is very excited to go antiquing in her LLC as she crutches into the antique mall. She’s on a mission to find the ultimate chair to sit in with her LLC. She immediately starts interracing with things, trying out chairs and even weighing her cast. She’s in good spirits but still acts like it hurts when she bumps her cast into something. She crutches around slowly and carefully, occasionally pausing to just let her leg swing back and forth. As she joyously browses around and admires all the cool stuff, she tries out pretty much every seat she finds, carefully sitting down and getting back up, and sometimes finds a way to elevate her leg so the camera can get a nice view of her wiggling toes. She also talks about how heavy her cast is and how she thinks it’s sexy.

Price: $20 | 30 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($24). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Jun 102023

Adara’s on the phone with her crush when he tells her about his cast fetish. She confused but wants to make it happen for him. Unaware that casting supplies are available to the public, she decides that the easiest way to get a cast would be to jump off a chair in high heels. She has some high heeled boots so they will have to do. She makes the jump and it hurts more than she expected. She calls her crush to come and take her to the hospital. Even though she’s in a great deal of pain she starts talking dirty to him and asking him how much he’s turned on. While she waits for him to arrive, she carefully pulls off her boot revealing her swollen ankle in her tube sock. Next, you’re her crush and you arrive to take her to the hospital. She asks you to hold it up for her as she screams and starts talking dirty about how she’s going to get a big cast for you and how turned on you’ll be. Later, she comes home in her new LLC and has you help her onto the couch and get her leg propped up. She has you try and hold her cast up higher for her to relieve some of the pain, giving you a great view of her cute casted toes. For a while, she moans on the couch and contemplates how she will be able to cope for the next six weeks. As you’re perving on her toes, she asks you to have a seat and watch her in her cast. She teases you with her toes and cast and talks sexy to you as she winces and gasps. She gets so horny that she makes you leave because she can’t have sex yet. Next, she decides to call and tease you about her cast, talking about her cast, her toes, her broken leg and scratching her cast into the phone. On another day, she meets you at the grocery store so she will not be tempted to have sex with you. She tells you that she could have used a scooter but she’s crutching around for you. She’s still in a lot of pain and gasps as she crutches, getting encouragment from passers by. She makes comments and teases you about all the fun you’re going to have while she has her cast. She stumbles and hurts her cast in the dairy aisle. Next, you have lunch together at a mexican restaurant where she props her cast up right in front of you so you have to stare at her casted toes wiggling throughout the entire meal and she makes a point to tease you about it and remind you that your obsession is why you can’t go back to her place with her. Before the meal ends, she moves closer and puts her cast on your leg, wiggles her toes and tells you that you’re just going to have to take care of yourself after you drop her off. Cut to later and you’re waking up in bed next to her. After you check out her cast and toes for a few minutes, she says she thinks she’s ready to go again!

Price: $30 | 45 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($34). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Angel’s Zoo Date LLC – Part 1

 Posted by on June 1, 2023
Jun 012023

Angel’s at home on the couch with her leg propped up when her guy friend comes over to visit. She explains to him about how she broke her leg while surfing. She asks him to prop her leg up high and warm up her cold toes by rubbing them. She complains that he’s not being gentle enough. She talks about how bored she’s been and more about her surfing accident. When he’s trying to put a sock over her casted toes, she teases him with her sweaty good foot. They brainstorm some things they could go do to relieve her boredom and decide on the zoo. Next, she’s being pushed in a wheelchair at the zoo and first she wants to look for a stretchy sock for her toes at the gift shop. Angel has her friend do tasks for her like taking her sock off and warming her toes with his hand and raising her leg rest. She gets up and crutches when she gets to an exhibit she wants to see. She also gets up for photo ops, like climbing and posing on animal statues. After more crutching, she finds a bench where she can prop her cast on her friend’s lap and get her toes rubbed. This is only half the footage, so stay tuned for more!

Price: $20 | 45 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($24). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Amanda’s New Public Black LLC

 Posted by on May 25, 2023
May 252023

Amanda is filming herself practicing an aerial performance on a lyra several feet in the air, when she makes a mistake and comes crashing down to the floor. Now, she’s in a black LLC at home and she calls a friend to tell her what happened. The friend offers to take her shopping for some things that she might need with her cast. Next, you’re out in public with Amanda as she looks for a stretchy sock to pull over her toes and Amanda thinks she might even be able to find a slipper to pull over it. She’s also looking for a more comfortable shoe for crutching and maybe some shorts that will fit over it. She tries on some shoes, crutching around in them. She tries out a couple of chairs and talks to some people. After lots of shopping and crutching around stores, we stop at the park where she crutches some more and stops to take a break on a picnic bench and wiggle her toes.

Price: $15 | 55 Min | 1080P

Maru’s Public Black DLAC – Part 2

 Posted by on May 18, 2023
May 182023

Maru’s DLAC adventure continues as we stop by a coat store so she can try to find a coat that fits over her casts. She’s surprisingly capable as she manages to try on coat after coat and actually get them back off all by herself. Next, we stop by a dairy that sells ice cream so she can attempt to eat a giant ice cream cone in long arm casts like her friend Bella did years ago. After talking to some people and picking out a large double scoop, Maru impresses again with her ingenuity as she struggles to eat her ice cream. And she does manage to eat quite a bit of it. After heading back inside to wipe off her hands, she decides that she wants to try feeding the goats before we leave.

Price: $10 | 31 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($14). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Apr 182023

Better posted late than never, here’s my Paddy’s Day shoot with Adina. This shoot is a non-nude, public precursor to a much steamier clip coming soon. She’s at a local bar dressed in lots of green with a green heel and a nice green LLC. She meets a guy and things start to get flirty as she crutches and hops around the pool table. They decide that whoever loses the game will buy the next round of drinks. She wins and takes a seat as he gets her a drink. When he returns she props her cast up on his leg and he rubs her toes. He mentions that he has a kilt and they decide if she wins the next match she gets to see his kilt. She does but his kilt is back at his place. To be continued…

Price: $15 | 30 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($19). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Maru’s Public Black DLAC – Part 1

 Posted by on March 27, 2023
Mar 272023

This was a spontaneous shoot when I met up with Maru at a park recently. We decided to do arm casts because of her outfit and also that her friend Bella did a similar shoot several years ago. She mentioned that she has a membership to a bulk item store so we started there. Maru is really fun and animated while shopping. She constantly interacts with items as we walk down the isles, picking things up and commenting on how her casts make it more difficult. Finally, we stop in the cafe and she attempts to eat a huge slice of pizza with no assistance and a lady even has to stop and comment about it. We made another couple of stops after this so stay tuned for the next part.

Price: $10 | 33 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($14). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Amanda’s Public Black LLC – Part 2

 Posted by on February 28, 2023
Feb 282023

After the mall, we stopped by a shoe store so Amanda could try on some different shoes and boots for crutching. She tries on some really high heels and tests them out in the store, not bothering to adjust her crutches. Next, it’s off to the department store (audio improves here), where she drives a scooter around and stops to hop around on one foot and look at things and try out a couple of chairs. For a minute, I thought she might be playing her own game of bumper cars as she keeps crashing into things.

Price: $10 | 32 Min | 1080P

Amanda’s Public Black LLC – Part 1

 Posted by on February 23, 2023
Feb 232023

The athletic and fun Amanda reached out about doing a shoot and somehow it’s been over a year! So I figured we ought to do a simple public shoot to get the ball rolling again. First, we stopped by the mall for some extended crutching, stopping at a few stores. Next, we went around a furniture store where Amanda tried sitting on a few things. Finally, we did the mandatory stop at the arcade where Amanda tries a few standing games that require legs. Lastly, she has a seat and props her cast up on a shooting game.

Price: $10 | 24 Min | 1080P

Irene’s Mall LLC

 Posted by on January 14, 2023
Jan 142023

Last month I went to Irene’s area for a shoot so we could go out to one of the coolest malls I’ve ever seen for some last minute Christmas publicking/shopping. I knew she had some experience with crutching out in public, but I did not forsee how quickly she would run out of steam and need rest. But, over the course of this half hour of footage, with Irene in her straight white LLC, we made it to the food court, took some escalators, browsed around the soup/lotion store, and found a cool set where you can take your own Christmas pics. Other than that, she had to take a few breaks to rest and wiggle her toes and she films her own toes part of the time.

Price: $15 | 33 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $19. Larger file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.