Lily’s (Angel) Blue DLLC

 Posted by on May 25, 2024
May 252024

First of all, Angel’s new name is Lily because she goes by Lily on everything else and wants her name to match everywhere. In this clip, Lily is laid up in bed with two blue LLCs, moaning from the pain. She realizes she doesn’t have her phone and she’s home alone. She calls out to see if anyone is home, but nobody answers. Bored and thirsty, she decides that she’d rather risk hurting her legs more than sit in bed all day without her phone or anything to drink. She slowly and painfully makes her way down the steps, feeling every bump. When she finally makes it back upstairs, she has forgotten to get a drink and she can’t get back into bed. So she pulls some pillows to the floor and gets as comfortable as she can. Then she has an idea. She can call the guy that lives next door, Henry. She calls him and he’s glad to come over. First, he gets her in bed, gives her a drink, props her legs up and rubs her toes. Later, he carries her downstairs. Cut to several weeks later and Lily is trying on some new cast shoes she bought on the internet. She feels that her legs are feeling good enough to stand on. She calls Henry over to spot her. With his help, she walks to the kitchen and makes them a snack. She gets a little too ambitious and hurts her leg though and Henry has to carry her to the couch.

Price: $25 | 45 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($29). Large file size, not for older computers and devices.

For fans that want to see it all, get a zip with 600 24mp images from this shoot for $15. This is by special request. If this zip sells I may offer more zip downloads in the future.

Angel’s Christmas Shopping LLC

 Posted by on January 5, 2024
Jan 052024

Angel’s had her cast for weeks but it’s finally time for her to get out of the house and do some Christmas shopping. She calls an Uber, gets in and briefly explains how she got her cast. She asks if she can put her cast up on the seat. But next, the driver makes an unexpected stop. It turns out that Angel has accidentally selected the ride share option so the driver has to pick up another person. A guy gets in and they start talking about Angel broke her leg on Thanksgiving when her crazy cousin threw a frozen turkey at her. Angel suspects this guy is very interested in her cast so she talks about it continuously and even asks if she can move her cast to his lap. She asks him to remove her sock, revealing her cute red toenails, matching her festive outfit. They finally arrive at the mall and Angel invites him to go shopping with her. They head inside and have a seat on the fountain where they seem to be hitting it off. Angel throws her cast over his leg and asks him to take off her sock again. As they talk, he rubs her toes. After that, she crutches all around the mall looking for presents, but she feels tired and sore after a while and is ready to leave. On the way home, she asks her new friend to hold her leg up for her and invites him back to her place to sign her cast. She asks him if he’s into casts as he rubs her toes.

Price: $30 | 53 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($19). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

Angel’s Zoo Date LLC – Part 2

 Posted by on July 7, 2023
Jul 072023

Last we saw Angel, she had talked her guy friend into pushing her around in a wheelchair at the zoo. Now, she asks him to pull her pant leg up higher on the cast, which he doesn’t do to her satisfaction. She then has him pick her up and put her back in her chair, complaining that her toes are touching the ground. He pushes her around in the chair until she has him assist her with posing on another statue before having him pick her back up and place her in the wheelchair. Once they get to the polar bears, she’s back up on crutches for a while. After that, he pushes her into a nice log cabin where she gets up and poses for some pictures and also some pictures on a bench, where the camera gets some nice closeups of her casted toes. She eventually is a little too rough on her broken leg and just wants to go home. Angel comes through her front door with her sock back on and whining that her leg is more sore than before. She doesn’t feel good and has her friend prop her cast up high on his lap and take her socks off. Tired and “hangry” she has him itch her casted foot with a back scratcher and then rub her feet as she whines.

Price: $20 | 45 Min | 1080P

Angel’s Zoo Date LLC – Part 1

 Posted by on June 1, 2023
Jun 012023

Angel’s at home on the couch with her leg propped up when her guy friend comes over to visit. She explains to him about how she broke her leg while surfing. She asks him to prop her leg up high and warm up her cold toes by rubbing them. She complains that he’s not being gentle enough. She talks about how bored she’s been and more about her surfing accident. When he’s trying to put a sock over her casted toes, she teases him with her sweaty good foot. They brainstorm some things they could go do to relieve her boredom and decide on the zoo. Next, she’s being pushed in a wheelchair at the zoo and first she wants to look for a stretchy sock for her toes at the gift shop. Angel has her friend do tasks for her like taking her sock off and warming her toes with his hand and raising her leg rest. She gets up and crutches when she gets to an exhibit she wants to see. She also gets up for photo ops, like climbing and posing on animal statues. After more crutching, she finds a bench where she can prop her cast on her friend’s lap and get her toes rubbed. This is only half the footage, so stay tuned for more!

Price: $20 | 45 Min | 1080P

Angel’s Pink Public SS

 Posted by on September 7, 2022
Sep 072022

I had originally wanted to do a story with this shoot, but Angel just wanted to get out of the house and have fun right away as soon as her SS was ready… and after having her friend Henry and others around the house cover it in signatures. Before we left, on the porch, I just started filming as Angel started demanding a foot rub from Henry and then had him put her boots on for her. First stop was a discount warehouse clothing store, where Angel finds lots of clothes to try on and tries on some shoes with the help of Henry. Then, she goes into the changing room with him and back out to show how they look. Next, it’s dinner time, where Angel chows down on a big messy burger with her guy friend’s help, as it’s a bit too sloppy to hold with one hand. Finally, we stop at a local bar where she gets a lot of attention and then attempts to play a game of pool with her friend. Log in now to check out over an hour of public Angel SS footage!

Price: $30 | 78 Min | 1080P

Angel’s Mini Golf and Ice Cream LLC Date

 Posted by on August 13, 2022
Aug 132022

Angel was surprised when her date asked her out to play mini golf, even though she’s in an LLC. It’s a hot day and Angel’s hip and sweaty leg are bothering her, but she still tries to have a good time, especially when they’re supposed to get ice cream later. So after playing 18 holes in the hot sun, Angel’s date picks her up and carries her to the car like a gentleman. Next, Angel props her cast up and enjoys a cold drink at the coffee shop as she wiggles her toes. Later, she and her date take a stroll through the neighborhood and stop to have some ice cream. Angel puts her cast up on his lap and asks him if he’s like to hang out again sometime… and hints that he likes her cast. Once again, he carries her all the way back to the car. Don’t miss this action packed public clip!

Price: $25 | 42 Min | 1080P

Angel’s Faux Term Public LLWC

 Posted by on January 20, 2022
Jan 202022

In this clip, you’re Angel’s boyfriend and you’ve been on a trip overseas for weeks. Now, you’ve returned home to find Angel in an aged LLWC on the couch. She didn’t tell you about it because she didn’t want to worry you, but now that you’re here, all you can think about is taking her upstairs. She greets you and talks to you and even puts her casted foot on your lap as you repeatedly try to get her to go upstairs with you, but she would rather wait until later. Now, she wants you to take her out in public. You agree and next you’re in the car with Angel’s sock covered, casted foot propped up on the back of your seat. She sings Christmas carols on the way to the store and eventually takes her sock off after making sure you don’t mind the smell. Next, you go grocery shopping with her as she walks around the store with her sock clad LLWC, interacting with some random people. After all that, you head home and up to the bedroom and she thinks she was too rough on her casted leg so she just wants to snuggle!

Price: $25 | 68 Min | 1080P

Angel’s Dark Blue Public LLC – Part 3

 Posted by on December 7, 2021
Dec 072021

Angel’s dark blue public LLC adventure isn’t over yet! This 49 minute clip picks up where the last one ended. You’re in the car with Angel as she talks about the “cute” guy at the bar on the way to the Swedish home store. This is Angel’s first time at this particular store and she wants to try out all the furniture. After crutching around and trying out lots of different couches, she heads to the cafe to eat, giving you a nice view of her casted toes. She eventually gets tired after a long day of crutching and is ready to head back home. At her place, you follow her up the stairs and into her bedroom. As a reward for calling off work and taking her out shopping, she lets you give her cast and toes some special attention while she plays her ukulele. After a bit, she’s had enough and tells you to leave.

Price: $20 | 49 Min | 1080P

Angel’s Dark Blue Public LLC – Part 2

 Posted by on October 27, 2021
Oct 272021

Remember Angel’s Dark Blue Public LLC from September? Angel is back for more publicking in her dark blue LLC. In the previous clip, Angel remembers hearing that you have a cast fetish so she calls you over to take her out shopping again. It’s now a month later and Angel’s cast is very worn, dirty and covered in signatures. She’s looking particularly good as she looks like she’s been spending some time in the sun. She now jokingly calls you her cast slave and she loves bossing you around and teasing you with it. She crutches downstairs, calls you on the phone to have you come hang out with her. When you get there, she has you do some things for her. She makes you rub her good foot as she rambles on about some recent experiences at a bar and then she lets you rub her casted toes. She wants to go so your first stop is a local bar. She has you get her a drink. Outside, she meets a guy who’s interested in her cast and wants to sign it. Next, she goes inside for a game of pool and there’s lots of great video of her talking and hopping around the pool table. There’s even more to come of this story so watch for yet another clip of Angel in her Dark Blue LLC!

Price: $20 | 39 Min | 1080P

Angel’s Dark Blue Public LLC

 Posted by on September 15, 2021
Sep 152021

Angel is home on the couch with her LLC and bored out of her mind. She remembers that she has a guy friend that she heard has a cast fetish and that he would probably do anything she wants. So she calls him up and tells him that she’s in a long leg cast. She tells him she’s bored and wants to get out of the house. He is ready to come over right away. Now, you’re the friend with a cast fetish and you come over to her place to pick her up. She asks you to sign her cast and gets you to admit your fetish. She doesn’t think it’s weird. So you take her out to a store to look around at some furniture. She crutches around the store and tries out lots of couches and chairs, propping her leg up when she can. Next, we’re at the coffee shop where she props her cast up on the table and wiggles her toes. Then, you go grocery shopping. This time, she opts for a chair and drives around the store with the camera down by her toes. Afterwards at her place, she asks you to paint her toenails and criticizes you the entire time, but she thanks you for spending time with her and wants to do it again soon.

Price: $25 | 72 Min | 1080P

Angel Breaks Her Leg in the Car Door

 Posted by on June 2, 2021
Jun 022021

When Angel asks her friend for a ride, she has no idea she’s about to have the worst day ever. She’s running late so she tells you to hurry up. She left her leg hanging out of the car and you slam the door on it. Her leg is visibly broken and she’s in terrible pain. Eventually she manages to get her leg in the car so you can drive her to the hospital. On the way back, she whines and complains the entire ride as she can feel every bump and she’s still very upset at you for breaking her leg. Next, she’s on the couch being miserable and complaining and she asks you to make her leg more comfortable. You can’t seem to do anything right as she complains the entire time. Eventually, she just has you stand there and hold it, but then she gets thirsty and asks you to get her a drink. You drop her cast and she gets so mad she makes you leave. Later, she decides to try and fend for herself and has an awful time trying to get around in her new cast, constantly bumping and banging it on things. Finally, you come back and she decides she might forgive you if you can rub her toes and make them feel better, but you can’t even do that right!

Price: $25 | 40 Min | 1080P

Angel’s Risser Pantaloon and DASFTS

 Posted by on March 23, 2021
Mar 232021

In a sort of sequel to Angel’s Orange Pantaloon, Angel is now casted from her knees to her neck in a risser pantaloon. Her hands are in short arm finger spicas. This video is shot candid style as Angel has to try and get around mostly by herself and see what she can do. She starts in a laying position on the couch and tries to get up but eventually needs assistance. Next, she takes a scary trip up the stairs with someone spotting her from behind. When she gets upstairs, it takes her a while to figure out how she’s going to get in bed, but she does eventually make it. Once in bed, I want her to move around for some pictures, but she doesn’t think she can at all. She manages to rotate herself a little bit, but eventually needs help to move. Then we put a sheet over her so she can pretend she’s waking up in the morning and has to try and get up. She insists that she can barely move, but manages to get closer to the edge. Eventually she gets help standing up. And after an even scarier trip down the steps, Angel heads to the kitchen to get a snack which proves to be quite difficult. After taking some pictures out back, Angel walks back inside and has to get back on the couch for some pictures. Angel is hilarious and entertaining as usual, so don’t miss this one.

Price: $25 | 50 Min | 1080P

Angel’s SLWC, CLC, LAC and CAC

 Posted by on March 15, 2021
Mar 152021

At the start of this clip, Angel wakes up with a cast on each limb. She’s got a yellow SLWC, a pink CLC, a blue LAC and a white CAC. Oh, and she’s got a cute, dirty little sock over the end of her SLWC. She sits up and changes her panjamas into a comfy outfit for leaving the house. After putting on a shoe and hoodie, she carefully moves down the steps. Next, we’re eating outside at a fast food restaraunt and she offers you a french fry if you take it from her casted toes. Before we leave, she asks you to put her sock back over her toes. Then we take a little walk with Angel before heading back home. She reheats her sandwich from earlier and eats it. Then she heads back upstairs for some more pics.

Price: $20 | 33 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus over 300 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $25!

Angel’s Orange Pantaloon w/Spreader Bar

 Posted by on February 13, 2021
Feb 132021

I did a rush job to get this shoot up just about three hours after the shoot finished. This just happened a few hours ago. In this epic, action packed clip, Angel’s in a big, thick, orange pantaloon with spreader bar. The clip starts out with Angel doing stretches on the floor, enjoying all the flexibility she will soon not be able to. Next, she’s on the couch in her third day of being in this solid, sitting position pantaloon. She tells about the fact that her doctor thought he’d be justified in casting her down to her toes, but she was very happy when he decided to only cast to her knees. But he made the cast so thick and solid that it’s not much better. We observe her struggling and squirming and doing her best to get comfortable for the first several minutes. The cast is digging into her back and she just wants to touch the floor with her feet. At first, she attempts crawling, but she cannot. Then she gets up the courage to try and walk and manages to get to the kitchen and get a snack, struggling to reach the things she wants. If that’s not enough, she scoots herself up the stairs and onto a bed for an ASMR-like scene where she scratches her cast and talks about how it feels. I’ve left in lots of candid moments because they’re entertaining. Angel’s her usual hilarious self, so don’t miss it if you enjoy Angel clips!

Price: $25 | 55 Min | 1080P

Angel’s Uber LLC Ride

 Posted by on October 5, 2020
Oct 052020

First we see Angel out crutching at a shopping center and then our car pulls up. She asks if we’re her Uber and she gets in. She’s got her pants pulled down over her cast and a big sock over her foot. She throws her cast up on the back of our seat and asks if the smell bothers us. She talks about her cast and pulls her pants leg up and eventually removes the sock, so her casted toes are propped up right by our head as she wiggles them. Later, after a stop, she asks if she can sit up front, so she props her cast up on the dashboard. At one point, the car brakes quickly and she hits her cast on the dashboard which hurts her leg and she’s very upset. She makes us hold her cast for the rest of the drive and asks for a toe rub when we arrive at her place.

Price: $25 | 35 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus 180 images (and over 300 stills) from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $30!

Angel’s Broken Nose and Pink LAC

 Posted by on August 12, 2020
Aug 122020

Poor Angel was already in a pink LAC when she ran into a post on her back porch and broke her nose. She pinches her nose and calls a friend for help. Back from the hospital, she’s looking at herself in the mirror for the first time and is not happy with what she sees. She brushes her hair the best she can and then makes herself something to eat in the kitchen. She drops some food and has to get on the floor to pick it up. We watch as Angel copes with her appearance and nose pain. In the final scene you’re Angel’s friend as she hangs out with you and vents to you about her situation.

Price: $10 | 32 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus over 100 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $15!

Angel’s Green LLC Crutching and Cast Talk

 Posted by on June 30, 2020
Jun 302020

Sock lovers, you have been heard! Angel’s wearing a pink sock over her toes for most of this clip. She’s in a green LLC with her one-legged jeans crutching at the park, up stairs, and around a stage. Next, she’s indoors with her leg propped up on the couch, doing some cast talk with you and wiggling her toes… with and without her sock. Finally she does some more crutching in the downtown streets, tackling stairs and some other obstacles.
Bonus: The bundle includes 700 extra pictures not seen at CF!

Price: $15 | 28 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus over 1000 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $20!

Angel’s Faux Med Public SS (Full Length)

 Posted by on October 29, 2019
Oct 292019

In this first half of an epic video, Angel has just arrived home in a fresh shoulder spica and neck brace after wrecking on her skateboard. She’s in pain and can’t seem to get comfortable. Next, she is up and trying to get a snack in the kitchen, using her good hand. We watch as she tries and struggles to do basic things including get comfortable in bed and brush her hair. Cut to a month and a half later and Angel is out in public with you shopping in her extremely aged SS. After wandering around for a bit, we find a place to eat and she interacts with a couple people at the restaurant.

Price: $30 | 1 Hr | 1080P

Or get the clip plus almost 500 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $35!

Angel’s Pointed Pink Public LLC – Part 2

 Posted by on October 8, 2019
Oct 082019

I bet you didn’t expect another hour of Angel’s Pointed Pink LLC but here it is! Angel’s LLC has been aged a few weeks and she’s back out in public in shorts and the same pink sock. We head to the arcade where Angel crutches around and plays games and even gets a waitress to sign her cast! There’s great, smooth footage of her crutching around with sock on and off. Plus, she’s wearing a mic, so you can hear what she’s saying better than I could and I was there! Log in now to check this out before it expires!

Price: $20 | 60 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus over 200 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $25!

Angel’s Pink ULC

 Posted by on September 26, 2019
Sep 262019

This is a very candid clip of Angel moving around the house in a ULC. Instead of doing any pretending, I told her that I’m just going to film all the in-between picture action. She scoots and crawls around the house as best she can. She really had a hard time going up the stairs in this cast. If you want to see what it’s really like to do a shoot with Angel, watch this clip!

Price: $15 | 24 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus over 300 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $20!

Angel’s Pointed Pink Public LLC

 Posted by on August 29, 2019
Aug 292019

Clear your schedule, I’ve got an hour of Angel public footage for you today! Angel is in a pointed 90 degree LLC with the foot turned inward and she’s out at the department store on crutches. Watch super smooth footage of her crutching from in front and behind and hear every word she says because she’s wearing a mic. She crutches around the store, stopping to try stuff out and sometimes just sitting on the floor in an isle. At the end of the clip, I just sit the action camera by her toes while she wiggles her toes during lunch.

Price: $20 | 60 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus over 200 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $25!

Angel’s Plaster DLLC with Spreader Bar

 Posted by on July 20, 2019
Jul 202019

In a shoot very similar to her fiber DLLC with spreader bar, Angel is in a big plaster DLLC with spreader bar in bed and in great pain. In the first part of the clip, the camera explores her cast as she moans and whines about her predicament and her pain. Later, she’s out in public in a wheelchair when she runs into a curious customer that asks her about her casts. Angel explains what happened and the stranger offers to push her wheelchair for her. Finally, Angel is back in bed and calls a friend to help her get to the bathroom. He has to pick her up and carry her there. Then her and her friend put some signatures on her cast.

Price: $25 | 31 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus over 100 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $27!

Mar 112019

This clip starts with Angel recording herself doing a headstand with her phone. It goes wrong and she bangs her leg into the coffee table. Later, you’re Angel’s college classmate coming over to catch her up on what she’s missed. You sit next to her, but she keeps catching you looking at her cast. She can tell you like it. First she asks you to sign the white part (kept white around the foot for signatures), then to help her take her sock on and off, and next to rub her poor casted toes. Things escalate into a full on foot/cast worship session! Don’t miss this hot clip!

Price: $25 | 31 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus over 350 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $30!

Angel’s DLLC with Spreader Bar

 Posted by on November 2, 2018
Nov 022018

Angel is stuck at home, in bed with a DLLC with pointed feet turned inward and a spreader bar. After a while of talking about how much it sucks and feeling sorry for herself, she calls her friend Will to put some socks on her cold casted toes. Next, she has will move her around into some different positions, trying to get comfortable. Later, she has Will help her get comfortable on the couch and write something sweet on her cast before he has to leave for work. Finally, she’s on her own in a wheelchair trying to study. Angel is fantastic in this awesome 37 minute clip, so don’t miss it!

Price: $25 | 37 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus 265 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $30!

Oct 202018

Continued from Angel’s last public clip, Angel gives us a recap of the last 6 weeks in her LLC. Next we head out and follow her around the hardware store as she crutches around looking for some work gloves. Her cast is totally covered in signatures and is super worn. The clip ends with a nice closeup toe wiggling shot. For some reason the audio gets out of sync in the last scene, sorry about that.

Price: $20 | 18 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus 165 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $25!

Angel Breaks Her Leg Again to get an LLC

 Posted by on September 15, 2018
Sep 152018

You’re Angel’s classmate at college and she comes over to “talk about class”, but she’s really there to find out if you share her interest in casts and will help her out after she breaks her leg again. You agree and she jumps off the chair with heels on. Next you’re back home with her new LLC and she’s happy but in extreme pain. You take her upstairs where you invites you to have a closer look at her cast and touch it.

Price: $20 | 23 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus 150 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $25!

Aug 312018

With an aged LLC and tube sock, Angel makes another “tube” video to update her fans on her first three weeks of being casted. Next, she heads out in public to go shopping at a department store. She’s also wearing a mic, so you can hear everything she says. After some fun at the store, she stops for gas.

Price: $20 | 33 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus 150 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $25!

Angel’s Super High Pink DLLWC

 Posted by on August 7, 2018
Aug 072018

Angel is in two very high pink LLWCs walking on crutches in public areas and around the neighborhood. Her toes look beautiful with pink nail polish, hanging out of her casts, as she carefully steps down the sidewalk. After lots of walking outdoors, she does some tasks at home and then talks about her DLLC experience.

Price: $25 | 43 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus 215 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $30!

Jul 212018

Angel just broke her leg and she’s making a video about it to vent to her followers. Then we follow her with a hidden cam as she crutches at a home improvement store, grabs some groceries, and takes a break at a coffee shop.

Price: $20 | 31 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus 200 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $25!

Angel’s Med Plaster LAC Month

 Posted by on May 18, 2018
May 182018

Angel comes over to visit after hurting her arm while skateboarding. She seems disappointed that it’s probably not broken, but you offer to take her to get an X-ray. Next week she’s back over in a plaster LAC and she wants you to be the first to sign it. Later, it’s week four and you find her still asleep in bed, so you sneak into the bedroom for a closer look at her very worn LAC. Then, at the end of week 5, Angel comes over on her skateboard to hang out and talk about her LAC, how jealous she was of Victoria’s casts, and how much her LAC smells. Finally, she comes over after the cast change in a blue fiber SAC and talks about how she wants you to cast her next time.
BONUS! The bundle comes with over 150 extra pictures not seen on CF!

Price: $20 | 24 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus 350 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $25!

Angel’s Super High Blue DSLWC

 Posted by on May 13, 2018
May 132018

Angel is in two super high SLWCs and she’s taking a walk down a trail at the park with crutches. The camera gets lots of low angle closeups of her walking along as her cute toes hang over the front edge. Later, she walks around the kitchen making herself some lunch. She takes a break to wiggle her toes and then goes outside in the yard to play on her casts some more.
BONUS! The bundle comes with over 150 extra pictures not seen on CF!

Price: $20 | 33 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus 400 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $25!

Angel’s 1.5 HS Struggling and Cast Talk

 Posted by on March 23, 2018
Mar 232018

This 30 minute clip starts out with Angel in a 1.5 HS with no spreader bar, struggling to get comfortable on the couch. Then she talks candidly about how the cast feels so far and what it’s like. Next, I add a spreader bar and some signatures and Angel has to move from the chair to the couch and make herself comfortable again. Finally, Angel spends a lot of time answering questions about the cast and talking about it.

Price: $25 | 30 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus 90 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $30!

Victoria and Angel’s Christmas Eve ULC

 Posted by on January 3, 2018
Jan 032018

Victoria and Angel wake up on the couch Christmas Eve with their legs casted together in a ULC! Based on Angel’s previous behavior, this has to be her doing. The ULC looks like a big stocking with a white top and green stripe. Victoria accuses Angel of drugging her because she has no idea how this happened. Angel says that she just wanted to spend some time with Victoria and if she does five activities with her then the cast can come off.

Price: $20 | 37 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus 90 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $25!

Dec 012017

This is the final clip from Angel’s day out in her angled LLC and sock. In this 41 minute clip, Angel crutches around the grocery store and then grabs a coffee and draws on her cast. She takes off her sock, exposing her cute casted toes and goes shopping some more..

Price: $20 | 41 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus 70 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $25!

Angel’s Oct ’17 Pointed ALLC at the Mall

 Posted by on November 10, 2017
Nov 102017

Follow Angel around the mall in her pointed, angled LLC and yoga pants. She crutches in and around stores with her sock on for about half the time, then stops to take it off and draw on her cast, revealing her toes. This is a new LLC from the last clip, as the ankle was a little too pointed the first time, so we changed it.

Price: $20 | 35 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus 65 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $25!

Oct 202017

In this clip Angel has her pointed angled LLC with a nice big sock pulled up to the knee and she heads out to the first store on her day of shopping. Follow her as she explores the store, crutches, and tries free samples. She is wearing a mic, so you can hear every word she says! Stay tuned for more.

Price: $20 | 24 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus 70 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $25!

Victoria and Angel’s SJ and DSLC Weekend

 Posted by on September 23, 2017
Sep 232017

Angel loves casts and doing Cast Fetish shoots. Her sister not so much. Angel has convinced her sister to do this photo shoot with her, and Victoria agrees because it pays well. Little does Victoria know that she has been set up by her sister to spend the entire three day weekend in casts together! They start out posing for pictures when Angel gives the photographer the nod to leave. Once he’s gone, there’s nothing Angel can do to change it and she reveals her plan to Victoria. Needless to say, Victoria is not a happy camper. How will Victoria handle it? Will Angel feel bad? Will they be able to work together? Watch and see!

Price: $30 | 41 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus 130 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $35!

Angel Breaks Her Leg to get an LLC

 Posted by on June 24, 2017
Jun 242017

Angel injured her ankle playing basketball in her college PE class. It’s definitely sprained, but she’s hoping that it’s broken so she can get out of that awful class. She leaves for her appoinment and returns in a soft cast. Extremely disappointed, Angel decides to jump off of a chair like her sister did in the past. She jumps off the chair onto her already injured foot. Finally, she gets a full hard leg cast like she wanted, but she’s in too much pain to happy. Eventually she settles into bed and invites you to check out her casted toes.

Price: $25 | 39 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus 180 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $30!

Apr 252017

Angel still wasn’t finished shopping after we went to the mall, so we headed to the local department store so she could look at some clothes. This clip is filmed with my cell phone, but she’s still wearing a mic so you can hear everything she says. She decided to take a break and drive around a cart while we shopped. Log in now to check out this 23 minute clip!

Price: $15 | 23 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus 50 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $20!

Angel’s Angled Pointed LLC at the Mall

 Posted by on April 9, 2017
Apr 092017

You probably didn’t expect another epic, long publicking clip from this shoot, but here it is! It’s a bit shorter than the first clip, but it’s action packed with lots of crutching and interacting with people. Angel keeps her sock on for most of the clip, but then takes it off at the end when she takes a break to draw on her cast some more. She crutches into one store after another and she’s still wearing a mic so the audio is excellent.

Price: $20 | 26 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus 50 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $25!

Mar 272017

This is an EPIC, long publicking clip at the grocery store with Angel. In this clip, you get to tag along with Angel for nearly an hour at the grocery store while she crutches around, shopping, and stopping for coffee while she draws on her cast. She’s wearing a mic so you can hear every word she says (huge improvement). She’s wearing a sock over her angled, pointed LLC for the first half and takes it off for the second half. There’s much more to come. Let me know how much you like this style of clip by dropping me an email or leaving a comment on the board.

Price: $30 | 49 Min | 1080P

Angel’s Broken Leg LLC Cast Talk

 Posted by on March 10, 2017
Mar 102017

In this clip, you are Angel’s friend and she’s got to get you caught up on what happened to her leg. She describes how she fell and broke it, what it’s like, and how it feels. She takes off her big sock to show off her toes and then asks you to sign the cast.


Price: $15 | 10 Min | 1080P

Or get the clip plus 130 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $20!

Angel’s Pointed DSLC & Straight DLAC

 Posted by on September 30, 2016
Sep 302016

Angel is sporting two pink pointed toe SLCs plus two straight black long arm casts in this series of eight clips. There’s over 35 minutes of footage in which she gets up and makes the bed, attempts to make herself food and eat, tackles flights of stairs, dances, plays video games and walks around outside. There’s over 35 minutes of footage in 1080P!

Resolution: 1080P

Running Time, 35 Min.

Price: $23

Or get the clip plus 110 images from this shoot in 10MP resolution for $29!

Angel’s LLC

 Posted by on April 19, 2016
Apr 192016

04.19.16 – In this clip Angel crutches around the house, scoots up and down the stairs, and crutches around outside. Then at the end there’s a nice long slow motion clip of her wiggling her toes. Let me know if you like it and if it’s just right or maybe too slow.

Resolution: 1080P

Running Time, 18 Min.

Price: $14

Or get the clip plus 100 images from this set, in 10MP resolution, for only $18

Angel’s Holiday DLLC & DLAC

 Posted by on January 25, 2016
Jan 252016

angeldlacdllc01.25.16 – In this 59 minute clip… yes I said 59 minutes, the beautiful Angel has all four limbs in long casts decorated for the Christmas season. She had a lot of fun with the casts and was in no hurry to finish the shoot. She kept doing things, so I kept rolling. I wish I’d been filming during the application because she was great. She kept telling her sister Victoria how cute she looked in her casts and taking pictures of them. She tries to wrap presents and sings and constantly calls Victoria for help. Victoria wasn’t even feeling good and wasn’t supposed to be in the shoot, but Angel kept calling her anyway. Enjoy this huge clip!

Resolution: 1080P

Running Time, 59 Min.

Price: $35

Or get the clip plus 150 images from this set, in 10MP resolution, for only $42