Amanda’s great at pole gymnastics and she’s trying to show her friend Wendy how to do it. Wendy is not very athletic and struggles with basic moves. After trying some pole tricks, Wendy slides down the pole too fast and hurts her leg. Wendy comes home in a full orange leg cast. A week later, her cast is covered in drawings, but she hasn’t really moved from the couch. Amanda convinces her that she needs to get out of the house and learn to crutch. At the mall, Wendy barely makes it inside and finds crutching even short distances exhausting. After taking a short break in the food court, Amanda gets her a wheelchair and pushes her the rest of the way. Amanda encourages her to get up and crutch around stores, look at clothes and try out furniture. Later, they hit a department store where Wendy drives around a scooter, sometimes getting up and hopping for items.
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