Phaedra’s 90° Public Black LLC

 Posted by on March 21, 2025
Mar 212025

Phaedra’s in a 90° Black LLC with red stockinette at the grocery store. First thing she does is go down an isle and try to use her crutches to get a bag of chips from the top shelf while hopping on one leg. Then she crutches over to the frozen food section where she tries to get something, fails and then complains that the guy next to her didn’t offer to help her. But then he does offer to help get it for her, while I just stand there. She then sets off looking for some sympathy and attention and find some people by the dairy cooler to talk to. She brings up her cast but the people don’t really engage. After that she crutches around and dances a little on one foot and tries to pick up more things with her crutches. In the housewares, she looks for a fly swatter or kitchen utensil to itch inside her cast with, but doesn’t find anything and so it’s off to try and find more sympathetc people. She tries to strike up a conversation with a couple more people but strikes out. Finally she gets a guy to talk to her about candy but he quickly walks away. While I was out getting the car, she had a funny interraction with a man that she tells me about on camera. Lastly we finish up with her trying to do some yoga and showing some impressive flexibility and she gives some thoughts on the shoot. Phaedra is fun and her laugh is hysterical.

Price: $20 | 28 Min | 1080P

Or Get it in 4K UHD for $24. Larger file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

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