Victoria’s Straight, Angled DLLC

 Posted by on October 9, 2024
Oct 092024

Victoria wakes up in the morning with two big red and grey LLCs, a straight LLC on her broken right leg and an angled LLC on her left leg with the achilles rupture. She spends some time just thinking out loud to herself about her predicament and how much her legs hurt in her big, heavy casts. She shifts around trying to get comfortable but she cannot. She can’t find her pain meds, but at least she has her phone… or does she? She reaches all around looking for her phone and then tries to decide between heading downstairs and just going back to sleep. She decides that she’s a strong person who can go downstairs herself and look for her phone. She painfully slides onto the floor and then figures out how to scoot around. She goes down the stairs quickly just to get it over with, but it is rough on her legs. She makes it to the couch and her phone is not there. When she gets back down, she slams her casts on the floor causing a great deal of pain. She’s come too far go give up now. She scoots into the kitchen and then struggles to see and feel up on the counter. She tries to stand but she can’t. She pulls herself up onto a rolling chair and then she’s able to reach things in the kitchen. Still no phone though. She scoots herself out to the back porch and onto the couch where she enjoys the fresh air and tries to take a nap. As soon as she shuts her eyes, she realizes that her phone is upstairs in a pile of clothes. She starts the journey back upstairs by flopping back onto the floor, hurting her legs in the process. Eventually, Victoria makes it back upstairs and crawls back into bed.

Price: $25 | 42 Min | 1080P

Or Get it in 4K UHD for $29. Large file size, not for older computers and devices.

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