Jul 072024

This clip starts with several minutes of beautiful footage of Alisha waking up in bed with her extremely bent LLC. She’s very whiney and sad as she tries different positions to get her leg comfortable. She’s only wearing lingerie and finds some sexy positions as she moves around in bed. She tries her side and stomach before finally deciding that she’s better get up. Her leg is still in a lot of pain in the morning, so she carefully sits up and hops to get some clothes to wear. After getting dressed, she heads to the stairs and carefully scoots down them. Downstairs, she calls a friend to see if they would want to go shopping with her. Her friend shows up to take her to the store and now Alisha is crutching around in public with the camera/friend following behind with a great view of her casted toes the entire time. Her leg is bothering her and her cast is hot and sweaty so she has to sit down and take a break occasionally. There’s more to come so stay tuned.

Price: $15 | 26 Min | 1080P

Or Buy it in 4K UHD for $4 more ($19). Large file size, H.265 codec: not for older computers and devices.

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