Some of you may remember Briana from several years ago. She moved away for a while and now she’s back for a new shoot. Briana wakes up in bed and pulls back the covers to reveal two SLCs. She sits up and wiggles her toes as she touches her sore legs. She gasps and winces as she talks about her poor broken legs and carefully elevates them on pillows. Her boyfriend is at work so Briana is home alone. After a while, she calls her friend Madison to see if she can come over and help her. She explains to her friend how she broke her legs, how much they hurt and how she can’t do anything for herself. Her friend is at work, however, and can’t come over. Realizing that she will have to fend for herself, she painfully gets herself from the bed to the floor and scoots out of the room and painfully down the stairs, which proves difficult with two broken legs. She drags her legs into the kitchen and pulls herself onto a chair so she can get a drink of water. Later, she’s on the couch checking her social media when she notices that Victor is really liking her cast pics. She decides to give him a call and invite him to see her casts in person. Next, you’re Victor and she invites you to sit down with her casts in your lap. She talks about how hard it is to have two broken legs with her casted toes right in your face.
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