Victora’s LLC has now been on for a few weeks and is showing it’s age. This clip starts with Victoria talking to her friend on the phone about her accident, her cast and what it’s been like as she lotions her casted toes, wiggles them and tries some socks on her cast. Next, you’re her friend taking a walk with her through the woods as she crutches and talks some more about casted life and how she thinks her boyfriend likes her cast. After a while, she wants to sit down and take a break and she stumbles and falls into a log and she knows right away that she’s broken her arm. In the next scene Victoria is waking up in the morning with her old LLC and her fresh green LAC. She has a hard time putting a sock over her cast because her left arm is still too painful to use. She makes the bed and then scoots down the stairs, but not without bumping her arm and causing more pain. It’s just not Victoria’s day. She’s not used to having an arm cast and keeps bumping it into things. And before it’s over, she has another fall. Stay tuned for more!
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